Our story is one of persistence, dedication, and a deep love for the land.
We are iContadini. We cultivate and transform the land's bountifulness, working with fresh produce sourced directly from our production territory, just steps away from the sea.

We think
That food is a foundational source of health and well-being
That to eat well, we must also nurture our emotional state
That time is an essential ingredient
That making positive choices today is the only path to a better future
We believe
In respecting nature and human beings
In the power of a smile, because joy inspires delicious flavours
In nature, that can wear us out, but also has the power to amaze us
In the desire to improve every day
We do
We start each day before sunrise
We tend to the harvest with respect for every resource
We sow, harvest, and work by hand
We bring our creations to your table